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Wonderland in Genteel

Apr. 30, 2021

Wonderland in Genteel

“It was thought the best way to protect nature was to make it off-limits to the human population…We now know that the closer the relationship between people and their natural environment the more likely people are to appreciate the importance of nature and its biodiversity, heritage and water, for their personal well-being and the planet’s future.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     --excerpt from the speech given by Ms. Irina Bokova, former Director-General of UNESCO

This idea guides Genteel’s action, embodied in the farmyard we’ve built within our facility, to bring our staffs closer to nature.

Wonderland in Genteel

How we keep it going:

-          We're making an effort to improve garbage sorting; the food scraps and yard wastes have been sorted out to make compost, which will feed the plants, help keep the plants thriving and improve the soil.

-          To prevent pollution to the environment and humans, we do not use any pesticides and fertilizers.

-          We keep the right amount of grass, create a circulating water system, serving to provide a proper ecological environment for various beneficial insects, to maintain biodiversity.

-          We share all the vegetables and fruits harvested from the farm with our staff. Thus a virtuous ecological loop is formed.

Wonderland in Genteel

What we have this season:

Herbs and flowers: peppermint, citronella, wormwood, pogostemon cablin, basil, purple perilla, piper betel, honeysuckle, sweet-scented osmanthus, rose, jasmine, gardenia, pulmeria, etc.

Vegetables: lettuces, celery, baby cabbage, eggplant, cauliflower, green onion, garlic, sweet potato, amaranthus, water spinach, spinach, Chinese yam, wax gourd, towel gourd, etc.

Fruits: dragon fruit, fig, guava, longan, litchi, cherry, jackfruit, lemon, mango, peach, ginseng fruit, clausena lansium, banana, pawpaw, pear, mulberry, grape, passion fruit, sugarcane, loquat, etc.

Wonderland in Genteel Wonderland in Genteel

Testimonials from our staffs:

"I have to admit that my awareness of garbage sorting has been raised since I know the kitchen leftovers are easy to turn into "black gold," which benefit to the soil."

"It is great to take a stroll along with our farm; I feel quite relieved spending some time out of doors in the fresh air."

"We're happy that the vegetables and fruits we ate every day are green and organic, tasty, also good for our health."


As President Xi said, "A good ecological environment is the fairest public product, and the most accessible welfare for the people." We highly value ecological and environmental protection and advocate harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. We are pledged to protecting the environment, sticking to the way on corporate responsibility and sustainability.